How the New York Post slanders hardworking technicians and gets away with it.

September 11, 2012

The New York Post defames working class technicians who lack the PR muscle to defend themselves, with fake sting operations and blatant lies in their article. What a rag!
For those who don't feel like going through the TL;DR of my post in that article - jailbreaking and unlocking iPhones is VERY COMMON. Many people wind up getting boatloads of these phones from IT departments and e-waste collections companies, and hire small tech firms like link-sys to fix them at low cost. Phones that are jailbroken have much higher resale value since you're no longer limited to what Steve Jobs or AT&T feel you should be allowed to do with your iPhone. The people who find these phones are typically businessmen, not technicians, so they need the help of technicians to ready them for resale. This happens all the time, in legal environments. Oftentimes, these businessmen are ignorant of the technology they are dealing with, and when you consider the terms like "unlocking" and "JAILBREAKING", it is not a far stretch of the mind that one may ask if they are committing a crime by doing this to electronics devices. I've heard stupider questions by far. These reporters from the post NEVER indicated to Kumar that they were dealing with stolen or hot devices, and proceeded to run a train on him in the form of an inflammatory article in their daily rag, implying that he openly accepts illegal deals for the right price.
I recall performing a BlackBerry repair at ING Financial one time for someone who needed their phone to work that evening. We were talking about what the firm did with obsolete, or no longer working phones. They throw them away. My jaw dropped - perfectly good Bold 9700s, with nothing but a wonky trackpad, were tossed in a garbage. Wow. It makes sense now - they are a bank, their focus is on pillaging the financial markets and collecting money. For a bank to focus on streamlining the reverse logistics of employee phones would be like us eating baking soda out of the refrigerator so we don't waste food. There are hobos out there that would gladly eat my baking soda, and likewise - there are businessmen without bankloads of money that would be happy to take those Blackberries off ING's hands. I wondered why more companies didn't focus on taking the crap off the hands of companies that had too much money to be bothered with the petty nonsense of liquidating $200 smartphones.

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