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Louis Rossmann’s rants, tips, and ideas on the laptop repair industry.
LCD shells for cheap – clamshell assemblies for Unibody Macbooks!

We will soon be offering full assembly replacement services to the end consumer as well as to repair centers. Many companies have offered these services in the past, with two common pitfalls. a) They buy the part from Apple, at high markup and pass it off to you. b) They give you a used assembly, […]

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Self masturbation; the art of reviewing yourself, bribing the customers, and paying people to like you.

You probably do your research before using a company that provides an important service. Companies understand this, and need themselves to be viewed in the best light possible by the savvy customer. I’ll let you put together what’s going on here, through these three pictures. Make sure to use a fine tooth comb to search […]

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YUFIXIT.COM stole our material!

Check it out: If you want to see the eBay ads: Theirs: Ours: I’m sure this will get changed once they get wind that I caught them copy and pasting our entire work. The funny thing is there are tons of companies that put effort into good design. My design is god awful […]

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Sales, and how saving people money still makes you the bad guy.

A lot of new business people fall into the trap of trying to be too nice to everyone. Unfortunately, sometimes I fall for that, four years into this. I pay nearly $4000/mo for a warehouse & repair shop 2 blocks from Penn Station, and for assistant workers in the operation of the supply and repair […]

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Expansion & ethics in the repair industry.

This industry has its moral issues.  The one I’d like to discuss today, is expansion. There are many devices out there with many issues that the average joe is going to encounter. How do we decide what we’re going to fix and what we won’t? Almost every business tries to grow too quickly. There are […]

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The idea of a lifetime warranty.

Mission Repair recently released a lifetime warranty. I like the idea of a lifetime warranty. Kudos to them for not being afraid to advertise it. The idea being, if you break your device again, you pay a reduced rate to have it repaired again instead of full price. I’ve been doing this since 2008. However, […]

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Bye to a by appointment business model.

For years, I had a by appointment business model. Set a time, location, and model of your machine, and someone will come to you. In addition to the house call business model, you can also come by the workshop to have your machine fixed. Call and set up an appointment if you want someone to […]

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BlackBerry Bold 9700 LCD Screen shortage.

The 002-111/23269 LCD has been in shortage for a while, which makes repair of the device difficult. LCDs available are mostly refurbished or used. We just stocked up on a large quantity of new displays for this phone. Rossmann Supply Group stocks the 001, 004, and 002 for the Bold 9700, so if you wish […]

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New workshop is moved into.

As the WSJ article on the homepage states, this company kept prices down by utilizing “free” real estate – bartering technical repair services of recording studio gear & broadcast consoles for workshop space to perform repairs. Well, finally, this has come to an end! The workshop is open, and it’s all us, @ 251 W. […]

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