Outside Austin? No problem! Mail us your phone utilizing our mail-in instructions and include your passcode. We can provide you with your data on a flash drive or you can supply one.
Your iPhone logic board is made up of electronic components covered by shields. If your iPhone is damaged by water, it is common for cellphone repair shops to attempt a cleaning of the phone, but most technicians do not know to remove the shields. It’s even worse when companies advertise “drying” your phone: letting your phone “dry” is the worst thing you can do!
Think of cleaning a phone motherboard without desoldering its shields like taking a shower with your clothes on. How does the shower clean your skin if you have clothes on over you? Staples Tekdry “drying” your phone is as ludicrous as blowdrying your dishes after I drop a pile of wet feces on them. Would you eat from that dish? How does drying something dirty make it better?
Somehow, Staples can advertise this service with a straight face. We would never clean our bodies this way, yet for some reason we expect to bring back time treasured memories from our iPhones this way. The carnage stops here!
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